Life is so many things.
To some, it is a path that serves as a compass guiding through a journey.
To others, it is a canvas where their story is painted full of color, dreams and realities.
To me… life is my Stage. Where I can be me, no matter who I am, at any given moment, on any given day.

With eyes wide open, waiting for the next chance to share with the world the splendor of song, the magic of theatre, and the movements of dance.

I am not certain that at age 4, my dreams consisted of backdrops that magically brought an audience into a whole new world; or if walking into a junior school auditorium for a dance recital complete with shuffle ball change, that my dreams were being choreographed to the pounding of hundreds of feet as they beat as one; or if my mezzo soprano solo at a high school choir concert was actually the supporting symphony that made me who I am today. But I am certain, that destiny was illuminating the path that brought me to this world. A world where the challenge is to consistently uncover talents and believe in who and what you are… to give it your all and then give more!

Amongst these pages I will share with you the roads traveled, the stars I’ve wished upon and the elements that bring character to my life. I invite you to discover a piece of me…

  • Currently starring as:
    Parenting 101 will be opening for a full run at The Kimmel Center in Philadelphia from December through March.
  • Currently starring as:
    Nicole is returning to the Great Plains Theatre in Abilene, KS to play Maria in Lend Me a Tenor & Pam in Baby: The Musical this October through November

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